Noah Family
>> March 11, 2009

Millennium Earl
Gender : Male
Memory : Unknown
Ability : Control the Ark, creating akuma
Seiyuu : Junpei Takiguchi
Millennium Earl (Sennen Hakushaku) is the main protagonist. He is sorcerer of the ancient time and also the creator of akuma. He tricked people who lost the person their beloved and said that he can revived them inside his akuma. After the soul inserted in akuma, he ordered to kill that person and use their body. He has flashy appearance and always says "good evening". His Noah form is just like a clown with fat body and have very big smiling face with little eyeglasses. He is also shown in human form but his face not shown. He also can control Noah Ark and has create a new one to replace the first Ark, since the first one can't move due to fourteenth sabotage.

Gender : Female
Memory : Dream
Ability : Travel across world without using Ark
Seiyuu : Ai Shimizu
Though her appearances just like a kid, she is the oldest Noah. She possesses Noah Dreams. Her ability is shattered enemies heart, by trap them in the world she created. Lero said that her ability is the most fearsome among Noah and looks like she has much ability. She is gifted the ability to travel across world without using Ark, she can't be killed unless the enemies know her true form (or killed from her world), telekinesis and telepathy. As the oldest one, she is the only Noah aside of Millennium Earl who able to program the Ark. Road often act like a normal kid, but she also shows sign of sadism in the first appearance (She orders akuma to suicide by explodes themselves). She really hates humans, but when she meets Allen, she begins to change and completely attached to him (She even kisses Allen inside the Ark).

Gender : Male
Memory : Pleasure
Ability : Pass through anything
Seiyuu : Morikawa Toshiyuki
Tyki Mikk possesses Noah Pleasure. He is the only Noah who gets along so well with human. When in human form he stays with his two friends and a kid named Eaze. But when it time to work as Noah, He said to them that he had secret job. Tyki is a person who enjoys living in both world, but he also has fear losing his human friends. Millennium Earl said that Tyki subconsciously suppresses his Noah. And when Allen exorcist his Noah, his true Noah power consume him, the holy mark replaced by three marks: two on his hands and a bigger one on the base of his neck. He transform into demonic warrior and his power increase. Tyki has the ability to choose what he wants to touch; he can pass through everything in this world except Innocence. Tyki also has ability to reject atmosphere, creating a vacuum with great pressure. Millennium Earl give him Tease, man-eating golem in the shape of butterfly (the Earl think its cool).
Skinn Bolic
Gender : Male
Memory : Wrath
Ability : Thunder
Seiyuu : Miyake Kenta
He possesses Noah Wrath and the most muscular Noah. He really likes sweet things, coz of when he awoke his Noah three years ago, he had Nightmare for every single days. Agonize, he bites his own fingers and then the Earl gives him sweets to him to eat. Wrath is the most potent Noah memory, when he fighting against Exorcist, the only thing he knows is kill them at any cost. Kanda kill him inside Noah Ark in Edo.
Gender : Male
Memory : Bond
Ability : Materialization
Seiyuu : Saiga Mitsuki and Morikubo Shotaro
Jasdero and David are the only Noah who never shows in human form. This twin actually one Noah called Jasdevi. With their Materialization ability, they focuses their power in their gun and able to fire various bullets by the two of them thinking at the same time. But when fuses together and become Jasdevi, they using their own power without guns and create the strongest imagined body. Later, they defeated by Krory, after his Innocence gone berserk.
Gender : Female
Memory : Lust
Ability : Shape Shifting
Seiyuu : Arisa Ogasawara
Lulubell is the most obedient Noah and always do what Millennium Earl said. She often appear as a black cat to spying purpose. She has blonde hair as human, but it change into black as Noah. She can transform herself into anything she pleases.
Cyril Kamelot
Gender : Male
Memory : Unknown
Ability : Unknown
Seiyuu : Unknown
Cyril Kamelot is Tyki older brother and adopted father of Road. Tyki says that the only reason he marries with Tricia is to adopt Road. He is a minister of a country. He apparently has attachment to Road and Tyki (he even try to kiss him).
14th Noah
No one knows his name except the Earl. He is Noah descendant that shouldn't be born. He possesses the ability as the Musician, that able to control Noah Ark. He killed by Earl after betrayed his family and put curse to the Ark, so it can't move from Edo. Before killed, he implanted his memory to Mana Walker and ask Marian Cross to take care of him, so later he will return. In the end, 14th implanted his memory to Allen.
Skulls are the guardian of the Earl's akuma egg. They are not as strong as akuma but they can use special magic. Skulls come from humans who has suitable
brain to perform special magic.
Akuma is a killing machine which created by inserting human soul that can only summon by the one they loved. To disguise their appearance, they wears the
body of one who resurrect them. Akuma can evolve into higher level, the more level their gained, the stronger they get and their forms get more humanoid.
Exorcist has to use Innocence to save the soul that trapped inside of them, other than that the soul consumed by Dark Matter and vanish. To create akuma
require a plant called Egg.
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