Genei Ryodan
>> March 11, 2009
Genei Ryodan (Phantom Troupe), is a group of thieves who come from Ryuusegai (Meteor City). This group consist 13 powerfull fighter with spider tattoo on their back (also every spider have number on it). For those who want to join the group, they can do it by killing one of the member, and replace him/her. If one of them die or leave the group, the group leader Chrollo Lucifler is responsible for finding a new member. They do mostly is stealing and killing, but sometimes do philanthropic works.

Gender : Male
Age : 26
Nen Type : Tokushitsu
Ability : Skill Hunter, "Bandit's Secret"
Member no.: ???
Seiyuu : Yoshikazu Nagano
Chrollo Lucilfer is Genei Ryodan founder, he come from Meteor City (Ryuuseigai), a junkyard city. Only outcast people lived in here, and they do not exist in any official records, and the existence of this city only known by very few people. That's why mafia often use people from this city to do their dirty work. Chrollo is a calm intelligent and charismatic, it seems that he is a born leader. It shows by he able to hold Ryodan together despite their attitude. Chrollo is very strong person, even Zeno said that if Chrollo isn't trying to steal his ability, he would be defeated. He seems don't care about any other people except Ryodan member. He even cry hearing Neon prophecy which contained Uvogin's death. Beside that, he don't care his own death. Melody said that Chrollo heart beats shows that he is live with death. To Chrollo Ryodan is much more important than his own life, he said that Ryodan leader is only for extends to issuing command. To paraphrase him, the spider head is just a part of body that can be sacrificed for the survival of the spider.
Kurapika put the Stake of Retribution on Judgement Chain on Chrollo heart, this chain going to piercing his heart if he do the following condition:
1. He tries to use Nen.
2. Communicating with Genei Ryodan member.
After that he is go to east in order to fullfill Neon prophecy.
Nen Ability
Skill Hunter, "Bandit's Secret"
He use to steal another person Nen ability and keep it in abook known as the Bandit's Secret." And the victims cannot use their ability anymore. The theft have few conditons:
1. He must witness the nen ability in action with his own eyes.
2. He must ask about the ability and answered by the victim.
3. His victim's hand must touch the hand print on the cover of Bandit's Secret.
4. All of the condition above must be done in an hour.
TO use ability from Bandit's Secret, he has to open the page of the wanted ability and while using an ability, the book must remain opened in his right hand. He can only use one ability in one time, when the former owner dies, the ability inside the book also vanish.
Known Ability in Bandit's Secret
1. Teleportation
2. Indoor Fish
3. Fun Fun Cloth
4. Lovely Ghost Writer
Gender : Male
Age : 28
Birthday : June 6th
Nen Type : Henka
Ability : Texture Surprise, "Flimsy Lies"
Bungee Gum, "Elastic Love"
Member no.: ???
Seiyuu : Hiroki Takahashi
Hisoka is the first Ryodan member introduced in series. He is extremely confident in his own ability, and always do what he wants as long as it have benefit to himself. He lives to fight powerfull opponent and have pleasure by killing them. He even willing to wait until someone who had tallent to grow to the fullest potential and then kill them. When first time fight Gon, he can kill him easily but he let him live in order to wait him grow stronger. He joins Ryodan few years ago, and the only reason is to battle against the leader Chrollo. Hisoka weapon is card which is powered by Shu and throw it with ease and deadly accuracy, and when combined with his nen, it getting much more deadly weapon.
Nen Ability
Texture Surprise, "Flimsy Lies"
With this ability, Hisoka can change appearence any thin surface (such as paper or cloth). This ability is impossible to detect without Gyo ability, however, it can be revealed by touching it. Hisoka ability name come from brand of candy. In series, Hisoka use this ability to make tattoo on his back, change prophecy paper that Chrollo gives to him, and change his book to fool Gon and Killua.
Bungee Gum, "Elastic Love"
Hisoka change his aura into a sticky substance like gum that impossible to released. It can be used to pull his enemies, so they close enough to attack. It can be streched and contract as Hisoka please. Hisoka Bungee Gum is impossible to see, unless using Gyo, even his enemy can see it, it still imposible to avoid, since he can simply attached it while hitting his enemy. Hisoka named this ability after a brand of chewing gum he liked when he was child.
Gender : Female
Nicknames : Paku
Date of death : September 4th
Nen Type : Tokushitsu
Ability : Memory Bomb, "Memory Bullet"
Member no.: #6
Seiyuu : Yoshiki Iseki
Pakunoda is fully loyal to Chrollo, and even goes against other Ryodan members in order to save him. She is one of original member who come from Meteor city. She died by Kurapika's Judgement Chain, when she break the restriction of the chain. She told other member about what happened to Chrollo.
Nen Ability
Pakunoda able to read consious person by touching it. She also can get spesific information by asking them Questions. With this she can know someone purest memory and know their weakness and secret, especially their Nen ability. She also can see the recent past of an object she touch.
Memory Bomb, "Memory Bullet"
This is not an ability to attack. When it shoot to another person, they can share with her memory using a revolver and conjurer Nen bullet. If she shoot Memory bomb to person who had read their memory, those memory will vanish permanently.
Nobunaga Hazama
Gender : Male
Birthday : Septermber 8th, 1970
Nen Type : Kyoka
Ability : -
Member no.: #1
Seiyuu : Takashi Matsuyama
Nobunaga appearence is like samurai complete with katana which he use with great skill. He don't have particular ability, but he able to use En with 4 meter width, if enemies enter his En he'll notice and attack'em even if he not able to see them. Uvogin is his best partner, and the two of them are the best partner during combat. After Uvogin death, Nobunaga interested in Gon (because Gon is Kyoka) and want him to joins Ryodan, but Gon refuse it.
Gender : Male
Nen Type : Gugenka
Ability : Gallery Fake, "Divine Left Hand, Demonic Right Hand"
Member no.: ???
Seiyuu : Umi Tenjin
A little known about Kartopi. His appearence is like an anime character Kitaro, with green hair. He is the weakest in Genei Ryodan.
Nen Ability
Gallery Fake, "Divine Left Hand, Demonic Right Hand"
He can make replica anything he touches even building. The replica can only last for 24 hours, and it also act as En, so he can detect the locate it. But he can't duplicate living things and other Nen.
Gender : Male
Nen Type : Houshutsu
Ability : Dual Machine Gun, "Ambidextrous Autonomous Weapons"
Member no.: ???
Seiyuu : Yoshikubo Kaneko
Just as his name, Franklin appearence is like Frankenstein with body like Hulk complete with scar and sewn wound on all over his face. Though having spooky face, Franklin has soft inside him and shows care to Shizuku. But when in combat he never hesitate in killing enemies, just like any other Genei Ryodan members. In phisical power, Franklin rnked 4 among Genei Ryodan.
Nen Ability
Dual Machine Gun, "Ambidextrous Autonomous Weapons"
Franklin can detach his tip of fingers and fire nen formed like bullet in massive amount, and in seconds he can wip out entire people in hall.
Gender : Female
Nen Type : Henka
Ability : Nen Threads, "Nen Shi"
Member no.: ???
Seiyuu : Noriko Namiki
Machi is one of Genei Ryodan member who came from Meteor City and the coldest one. Hisoka seems like her, due to she help him sew his injured (though, she paid for it), don't know whether it genuine of no, since Hisoka is unpredictable. She is very loyal to Chrollo and also the strongest women in Genei Ryodan.
Nen ability
Nen threads, "Nen Shi"
She spin her aura and formed like threads. With this, she cn do many things, such as sew injured body, seaming dislocated limbs and to track down enemy by attached to their body. And using In, she can make her threat invisible. The strength of her threads depend on its length, with strand less than a millimeter can lift up to one ton weight.
Gender : Male
Nen Type : Kyoka
Ability : Ripper Cyclotron, "Heavenly Rotation"
Member no.: ???
Seiyuu : Yoshiaki Matsumoto
A brash and like to get conflict with other is Phinks nature. He is one one member who came from Meteor City and also a skilled at hand to hand battle. He seems get along well with Feitan and always partnered with him. When first shown, he wears a strange suit like egyptian, but in the next series he wears jogging suit.
Nen ability
With rotate his hand, he can dealt enormous damage to his enemy. The more rotation he does, the stronger power he gets.
Gender : Male
Nen Type : Sousa
Ability : Black Voice, "Mobile Fate Director"
Autopilot, "Shi Dousou Sa"
Member no.: #9
Seiyuu : Yasuhiro Takato
From his appearence, he is just a normal boy. He is the most brilliant member, able to use computer, make prediction with information he gathered, and he has hunter licence that make gathering information easier, and providing the brain behind the brawn (his phisical power is number tenth).
Nen Ability
Black Voice, "Mobile Fate Director"
By placed an antena to his target, he can control his target movement from distance with using his cell phone. In condition, they are not controlled by somebody else.
Autopilot, "Shi Dousou Sa"
Shalnark can also use his antena on himself. With his antena on him, he can program a mission (like self hypnosis) that should complete and get addition power. When in Auto pilot Shalnark can't back to his normal state until his mission that programmed is done. After completing this mission, his whole body will feel pain in several days.
Gender : Male
Nicknames : Uvo
Date of Death : September 2nd
Nen Type : Kyoka
Ability : Big Bang Impact, "Super Destruction Fist"
Member no.: #11
Seiyuu : Eiji Takemoto
Uvogin is one of original member who come from Meteor City. He is the strongest fighter in phisical power even in Genei Ryodan itself. Although with bullets, sniper bullets, and anti tank rockets won't hurt him. He become much more stronger when he fight side by side with partner (though he won't admit it).
Nen Ability
Uvogin favorite ability called Big Bang Impact. This technique is just a simple punch imbued with Uvogin nen, but due to Uvogin mastery in Kyoka type, this punch can make very ig crater. He planning to make this technique as strong as nuclear bomb.
Gender : Female
Nen Type : Gugenka
Ability : Blinky, "Deme-chan"
Member no.: #8
Seiyuu : Atsuko Bungo
Judging from her appearance, everyone must be underestimate her. Since, she can be an airheaded with blank and unassuming face. Shizuku really IS forgetful, when she forget something no matter how hard other member try to make her remember, she will never remember. Shizuku physical power is strongest number 12 out of 13 member and she is left handed.
Nen Ability
Shizuku nen ability is pretty unique, it's a vacoom cleaner called Blinky (or Deme-chan in japanese). It can suck anything almost anything, this ability is really useful to cleaning up all the evidence, such as numerous corpses. There are few that Blinky can't suck, such as living creature and nen (it can detect nen base trap). Everything that Blinky suck will never back exept for the last one. To where all thing that Blinky suck go to? No one knows, even Shizuku.
Gender : Male
Age : ???
Nen Type : Gugenka
Ability : Battle Cantabile, "War Anthem"
Member no.: 13
Seiyuu : ???
All of his body covered by bandage and it make him looks like mummy. Actually that bandage cover up numerous holes all over his body. Bonolenov is one of Gyudondond tribe descendant. When male Gyudondond reach age 3, they inserted needle to their various part of body and overtime continue with thicker needle and eventually use stick. To stabilized it's hole, usually they use bamboo stick or stone. Using this hole, Gyudondond male able to make various sound called "Bap", the dancing warriors and fullfill the role of shaman and performers of tribe. Before battle they make song using those hole, they believe that the more beautiful song they make, the stronger spirit they can summon.
Nen Ability
Battle Cantabile, "War Anthem"
Bonolenov plays music during battle that make him transfom into different form depend on music he plays. In the series shown two different ability, The Jupiter and Prologue. The Jupiter allows him tranform into giant boulder shaped like Jupiter and crush the enemies, the Prologue allows him transform into warrior gear with spear as his weapon.
Gender : Male
Age : 10
Nen Type : Sousa
Ability : Paper Master
Member no.: ???
Seiyuu : Yuko Maekawa
Kalluto is a new member who replacing Hisoka. He only has one single reason Joining Genei Ryodan, that is to find his brother Alluto.
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